“We believe that every life experience is a gift and each experience is here at our invitation …an invitation to be our highest self in service to the highest good.”
– Angelina Corbet
Angelina’s primary work is teaching the Enneagram, an ancient model that combines centuries-old wisdom with practical application. The Enneagram invites us to be present, observe ourselves, make conscious choices and live intentionally with compassion for ourselves and others. This is what the Enneagram at its highest is about . . . mindfulness!
Angelina creates sacred space so that each participant takes the journey of the Enneagram in a highly supportive environment. Using the Enneagram as the tool, participants share their professional and personal stories. In the process, they reframe their lives, forgive themselves and others, bless all their experiences, and make the choice to move from acting out of compulsion to transformation.
As a nationally known speaker and seminar leader, Angelina provides keynote addresses and seminars on a variety of topics. She has taught at Bank of America, the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, Arts & Science Council, the United Way, the YMCA, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, AARP, Pfeiffer University and the Smith Davidson Leadership Initiative at Davidson College.
Her teaching includes seminars on the following topics: the Enneagram series; The Feminine Leadership Series©, the Divine Feminine and Masculine Series©, as well as Strategic Planning and Facilitation.
As a facilitator, Angelina provides individuals, partners and groups with a facilitated strategic planning process that results in a clear vision/legacy, mission/purpose, goals, strategies, action items and guiding principles/intentions that provide the client with a road map to achieving success.
Angelina has provided facilitation services for corporations and not-for-profits since 1997. Her facilitation incorporates tools for building self-awareness, designing the future, building consensus and creating plans of action. As a result, individuals and groups feel empowered to implement their plans with greater confidence.
As a coach, Angelina believes that coaching is an ongoing partnership which focuses on clients manifesting their personal and professional visions. Angelina partners with clients as they discover who they are at their essence, their true purpose in life, what will give their life meaning and how to manifest these dreams.
Angelina uses coaching tools that include active listening, reframing the issues, asking clarifying questions, and making powerful suggestions. Angelina’s coaching creates an on-going partnership that supports clients as they navigate personal and professional transitions.
Through the art of storytelling, Angelina facilitates a process to help us be present to our lives, see the perfection in all experiences, express gratitude for the gifts that we receive and live with the intention to be our highest self.
Her first book as a storyteller was The Little Pink Book of Feminine Leadership: A Personal Journey which was published in February 2006. Her two most recent stories include Soulmates, the heart-wrenching story of the life and death of her ex-husband from AIDS in 1991 and I Will Always Love You, the amazing story of the death of her twin, in utero, at three months and her miraculous birth at full-term.
The Mobius Company • 980-339-8874 • Post Office Box 32874 • Charlotte, NC 28232 • Angelina@themobiuscompany.com