“The future of mankind lies waiting for those who will come to understand their lives and take up their responsibility to all living things.”

– V.V. Deloria

We have taken our name from the Mobius strip, discovered by August Ferdinand Mobius, a nineteenth century mathematician and astronomer. This curious, one-sided, geometric figure symbolizes continuity, balance, union and transformation.

As Founder of The Mobius Company, Angelina serves as a facilitator, coach, teacher and storyteller. Her work provides clients with the opportunity to learn from the past, create the future, and live fully in the present. Angelina’s clients have come to trust her keen insights and intuition, imagination, collaborative nature and compassionate approach.

In response to our beliefs, our work is designed to help you remember who you are, nurture others, be of service to all and live compassionately in the world.

We believe that every life experience is a gift and each experience is here at our invitation . . . an invitation to be our highest self in service to the highest good.


Angelina specializes in providing Enneagram Programs.

The Mobius Company   •  980-339-8874  •  Post Office Box 32874  •  Charlotte, NC 28232  •  Angelina@themobiuscompany.com